Technology opinions and digital photography

  • From Japanese tradition to high-tech

    From Japanese tradition to high-tech

    Two news from Japan that I stumbled upon recently, but which are so beautiful that I immeidately wanted to share them with you here. First, a collection of 1000+ wood-block engravings from Japanese master Utagawa Hiroshige also more simply known as Hiroshige at ArtsMia. Hiroshige is an artist who understood how to marvellously renew the…

  • Flexible color e-paper displays

    Flexible color e-paper displays

    I have been checking on e-ink technology for some time, but here is Plastic Logic bringing the best of this technology: Flexible color e-paper. E-paper means that it behave like paper and does not need LED lighting from behind (like the Kindle Paperwhite). Color means that you can do much better than the Kindle Paperwhite…

  • Lessons Learned from a new Synology NAS

    Lessons Learned from a new Synology NAS

    I rencently proceeded to solve a problem I was observing more and more from my sturdy Synology DS413j (7-year old after all): I ran out of space and the old DS413j has no longer any extension possibility after the four 4TB disks in SHR mode (10.41TB accessible). So, I just bought a shining new (and…

  • Pi to one MILLION decimal places

    Pi to one MILLION decimal places

    One million useless figures The “most useless page” of this web site shows the first million decimal figures of PI (Do you remember your math? PI=3.14, more or less). All this is a kind of « virtual partnership » with French scientific magazine La Recherche whose December 2005 issue is titled : « Pi, le maître nombre » (Pi, the Master number). There,…

  • Test your firewall

    Test your firewall

    Shields up! Shields up! will allow you to test the security of your Internet conection. If you have a firerwall, you will know if it is correctyl configured. If you don’t, you will know what risks you are taking. I invite you to visit the rest of the web site, too. It covers security aspects linked…

  • Recover lost files on CD or DVD

    When your CD is dying… The observation Updated information (Jan-06):Now, Kurt Gerecke, an expert from IBM Germany, speaks up and tells the awful truth on ComputerWorld: Burned CD and DVD: limited life span around 2-5 years.But he also considers that hard disc drives are no better and advises you to use magnetic tapes. CD-ROM are annonced as…

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