Tag: WordPress

  • Theme security for a WordPress site

    Theme security for a WordPress site

    It is a fact of life on the Internet that hackers are roaming continuously in search for a chance to apply their knowledge to abuse your web site. Recently, I had the occasion of noticing an opportunity that I should not have let happening on Roumazeilles.net My web site is using WordPress as the “engine”…

  • Cleaner presentation for Roumazeilles.net

    A cleaner template was long overdue for Roumazeilles.net. I also wanted the site to be easier to navigate with a smartphone. And why not get a lighter tone? Just tell me what you think about it.

  • GDPR: Some helpful documentation

    GDPR: Some helpful documentation

    It seems that I can help some readers with a library of information about GDPR, the new (in May 2018) European Regulation about Privacy and the handling Personal Data on web sites. It may appear as quite complex. So, I collected a list of those articles I found most interesting for a first reading/introduction (aimed at…

  • How to comply with GDPR in WordPress

    How to comply with GDPR in WordPress

    I have several web sites wirtten with WordPress  and I needed to comply with the new GDPR European regulation (new in May 2018). After a few hours of work to find how to do this right… I decided to share my experience and show the steps I went through; not very difficult, but rather lenghty,…

  • PHP7 for WordPress

    PHP7 for WordPress

    My hosting company (OVH.com) is very cautious and does not push me into upgrading silently PHP on the servers. But I was still in PHP5 when I noticed that I could go up to PHP7. WordPress informs me that the simple upgrade could improve speed by a ratio of 2x to 3x. So, it was…

  • Major upgrade behind the scene at R.net

    For your information, I just went through the process of fully re-installing WordPress for www.roumazeilles.net I tried my best to make sure that everything is correctly restored, but I may have failed. Feel free to contact me to point me to such failures if you witness them. Thanks for your patience. Actually, I re-installed the…