Category: Lists

  • Top 10 infant mortality

    The other day, I was looking at the list of the ten countries most hardly hit by infant mortality (according to the CIA World Fact Book 2005). The top 10 (or should I say Bottom 10) is: Angola (197.8 for 100 births) after a civil war between 1975 and 2002 Afghanistan (163.07 for 100 births)…

  • Top 10 sexiest actresses, Sci-Fi movie category

    Is there a more explosive combination than a good Science Fiction flick synopsis/scenario and a totally sexy actress? In my opinion, not really. So, it is time to award the top-10 sexiest actresses of the history of Science Fiction (sorted from the less sexy to the most sexy). 10 – Tina Turner (Aunty Entity…

  • The most expensive ads on Google

    Google sells advertising. There is some of it on my web site pages. Normally, as a web site owner, I don’t really look at the price ads are sold (I don’t buy ads to publicize and market my web site). But, nonetheless, I was curious about the price ads are sold to Google customers. More…

  • Why you want to start your own blog

    Some time ago, most people would not even think about creating a web site. Today, it became so easy to do (see another post coming soon) that the only question is not how, but why. Consequently, I decided to give you a few of the common ideas that led most web site designers and bloggers…

  • My WordPress plugins

    Some people seem to have wondered what plugins I am using to extend the basic functionality of WordPress. So here goes the list: AdSense Deluxe to help me handle Google AdSense advertising and some table inclusions in the posts. Akismet to protect against comment SPAM. WP-email to allow users to email a copy of…

  • The fairest image

    This web site offers to compare two images. You click on the one that seems fairest to you. It allows to build a small top-10 list of the fairest images. Curiously, the majority of the fair images are colorful landscapes. It’s your turn to judge which image is the fairest! You can also propose images…