Category: * Season’s PC

  • Summer PC: Installation

    Summer PC: Installation

    Gran Turismo: An enthusiast’s PC geared towards PC gaming Easy Penny: A very reasonable PC able to sustain a few years without letting its owner down Too many web sites offer you a list of PC configurations that they pretend ideal. but they do not bother trying to really set them up. This is not…

  • Summer PC: Hard disk and DVD drive

    Summer PC: Hard disk and DVD drive

    Gran Turismo: An enthusiast’s PC geared towards PC gaming Easy Penny: A very reasonable PC able to sustain a few years without letting its owner down We have well progressed into the building of our two Summer PCs. But we still need to add a hard disk drive and a DVD drive. The later is…

  • Summer PC: computer case and power supply

    Summer PC: computer case and power supply

    Gran Turismo: An enthusiast’s PC geared towards PC gaming Easy Penny: A very reasonable PC able to sustain a few years without letting its owner down To protect the Summer PC (for the gamer [Gran Turismo] as much as the student [Easy Penny]), we need a computer case. For this, we must remember and understand…

  • Summer PC: Graphics card

    Summer PC: Graphics card

    Gran Turismo: An enthusiast’s PC geared towards PC gaming Easy Penny: A very reasonable PC able to sustain a few years without letting its owner down To start with Easy Penny, the most reasonable PC, the integration of a graphics card inside the motherboard leaves the cost perfectly well managed. Added cost: 0€. Eactly on…

  • Summer PC: Motherboard and memory

    Summer PC: Motherboard and memory

    Gran Turismo: An enthusiast’s PC geared towards PC gaming Easy Penny: A very reasonable PC able to sustain a few years without letting its owner down Having previously chosen AMD processors for the two optimized PCs we are trying to build, things will be relatively easy. The integration of the memory controller in the CPU…

  • Summer PC: Processor (CPU)

    Summer PC: Processor (CPU)

    Building the best possible PC for a set budget, taking into account the current market prices has always been a difficult task. We are starting today a series of posts to define the needed PC components to build an optimised PC (not only good components, but a solution as homogeneous as possible for a given…