Category: HTML and CSS

  • Test your web site load speed

    Test your web site load speed

    While working on improving the performance of my web sites, I have been using several tools in order to evaluate the performance of the site itself. Some are good, some are very good, some are overwhelmingly good. You cannot avoid mentioning the Google webmaster tools. They do a lot of things and contain a performance…

  • WordPress Performance: a cache plugin

    WordPress Performance: a cache plugin

    I confess that I had left this issue aside for a long time: The performance of my web sites was left uncared for. This was apparently not a real issue, but laziness is trip companion that will never leave you (or after much efforts). After testing/evaluating the load times of the pages of because…

  • Bloglines: This is the end

    Bloglines: This is the end

    Not everybody knows Bloglines, but this is an excellent RSS aggregator that I have been using for several years already to quickly check and track efficiently a large number of information sources (and efficiency is a key factor when you read 165 web sites simultaneously not accepting to spend your life and nights to it).…

  • Color blind: This is for everybody

    Color blind: This is for everybody

    When designing web sites, many graphic artists over-design forgetting a little-known fact: Around 5% or male Europeans or Caucasians have some sort of color blindness. For most of them it is only a small hindrance, but in some conditions it can become quite annoying. For example, when a web designer relied too heavily on color…

  • 100 million Opera’s and one iPhone

    100 million Opera’s and one iPhone

    Opera just announced that, while they are not the larger player in the browser field, they cornered a nice piece of turf: 100 million users of Opera (about 50 millions on the Desktop, and a 50 million chunk on the mobile phone). This impressive position in the mobile phone market is probably going to get…

  • Graphs, charts for a web site

    Graphs, charts for a web site

    When you design a web site, it happens that you need to create graphs or technical charts. But this is quite difficult if you don’t spend a life drawing little charts or if you are not satisfied with the charts out of Excel (or OpenOffice Draw). For this, you need to have a good chart/graph…