Category: HTML and CSS

  • GDPR: Some helpful documentation

    GDPR: Some helpful documentation

    It seems that I can help some readers with a library of information about GDPR, the new (in May 2018) European Regulation about Privacy and the handling Personal Data on web sites. It may appear as quite complex. So, I collected a list of those articles I found most interesting for a first reading/introduction (aimed at…

  • How to comply with GDPR in WordPress

    How to comply with GDPR in WordPress

    I have several web sites wirtten with WordPress  and I needed to comply with the new GDPR European regulation (new in May 2018). After a few hours of work to find how to do this right… I decided to share my experience and show the steps I went through; not very difficult, but rather lenghty,…

  • Moving

    Little administrative message for those of you you know me more personally than through a mere Internet connexion: I just moved which is a relatively good explanation for some of the minor service disruptions observed on the web site these recent days. As a matter of fact, there is no obvious difference for the…

  • Free fonts by the thousands

    Free fonts by the thousands

    You can’t have too many fonts for your computer. Or can you? Actually, I am trying to make sure that you will get much more than you can swallow here: tens of thousands of character fonts. Not only a bunch of them, but two sources of the nicest kind. FontPark is nothing less than a…

  • Happy new year 2011

    Happy new year 2011

    Be sure to take advantage of this new year, the future is here. If you did not notice, this is a Firefox, not an Opera house nor a Chromium orb.

  • Milestone: 11 years, 1 million visits in a year

    Milestone: 11 years, 1 million visits in a year just went through one of these moments I will easily remember! The visit count regularly climbs since the inception of the web site, but I just noticed something I’m pretty proud of: In the last year (more precisely, the last 365 days), this web site got more than one million visits as counted by…